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Metro TV Online Live Streaming - Metro tv, a private television station national led by Surya Paloh serves a wide range of impressions of good news as serious or as light as the feature. Can be watched live via Internet streaming on Metro tv, a television station that is still one company with the newspaper Media Indonesia this is superior to the Affairs of the Annunciation because nearly all his schedule dominated the actual news as well as complete. In the day exactly 00.00, Metro TV presents the Night continued with Metro Metro Xin Wen and World News. Still further, there is a news program Prime Time News and Metro today. Only punctuated a non event news in the form of a heart, the lamp of program news programmes presented back in marathons via the Metro Morning Show in the morning, and the Metro.

Nonton Metro TV online live streaming TV online Indonesia

Metro TV online live streaming TV online Indonesia

In addition, the news programs are also presented through Midday Metro, Metro, Metro Today Afternoon, Prime Time News, and Top 9 News. 8 pm every Wednesday, there is one favorite show be the flagship talk show together with Najwa Shihab in the eyes of the Najwa. Premiered on 25th Noevmber 2009, this program consistently presents numerous interesting topics shared resource class. Special guests ever present as Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (B.J. Habibie) 3rd President of INDONESIA, Megawati Sukarnoputri, 5th President of the REPUBLIC of INDONESIA Boediono, former Vice President, while Dahlan served as the Minister of STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES, as well as Joko Widodo is now the President of RI. For the fans or observer of political issues, you can watch it through politika.

While for a more journalistic fresh dishes but still has serious, Metro TV Online Live Streaming presents them through Oasis, Expedition, Journalist on Duty, Travelista, Archipelago, Kokoronotomo, Metro, Declassified Files, and Java Overland. Various news programs featured on Metro TV served with journalistic content that is very thick and weighted.

In addition, there is a further impressions Metro TV Online Live Streaming that is not less superior i.e. Mario Teguh Golden Ways. Words of wisdom a Mario Unswerving very touching many listeners. No wonder after speaking, Mario always get a noisy applause. His words are very wise to make this one program that last a long time because it has a good rating.

Metro TV has different characters with another television. starting this more to the lifestyle and quality of alternative entertainment program to complement its dominance in the sector industry news.

After obtaining permission for Metro TV broadcasting on 25 October 1999 so that the enthusiasm of enterprises and multi-dimensional approach to programming needs for his audience. to achieve significant levels of growth and profits and to increase the company's assets.

Metro TV Online Live Streaming can now be found in mobile phones that use the android os and ios, with technology that increasingly sophisticated then current information would be more easily able to by society in general information

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